Virtual Challenges for Schools

This half term we are running a range of fun virtual challenges for schools to take part in. The aim of the challenges is to help pupils recover from the impact of COVID-19 and improve their physical and mental health.
All of the challenges focus on pupils achieving their own personal best. The challenges are open to all schools to take part.
This half term we are running the following challenges.
Primary Schools
  • Yr 1-2 Skipping Challenge
  • Yr 3-6 Skipping Challenge
  • Yr R-6 Panathlon Challenge (SEND)
Secondary Schools
  • Yr 7-8 Skipping Challenge
  • Yr 7-11 Panathlong Challenge (SEND)
Special Schools
  • Yr 1-11 Panathlon Challenge (SEND)
Full details about all challenges can be found by CLICKING HERE. The deadline for all the challenges is Friday 28th May
Good luck everybody!

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