Area to considerResponsibilities
Event Risk AssessmentSSP - To produce event risk assessment and email to schools prior to the event.
School - To ensure that the trip coordinator and all staff/adults accompanying pupils to the event have read risk assessment and understand it.
Codes of Conduct for Pupils/Staff/SpectatorsSSP - To display codes of conducts on SSP website.
Schools - To ensure that all accompanying staff have read prior to events.
First AidSSP - SSP staff to hold 3 day First Aid qualification and have a first aid kit at all events.
School - Advised to ensure that one member of school staff is First Aid trained and bring their own first aid kit.
Reporting Accidents/Near MissesSSP - SSP staff will record any accidents or near misses that occur at SSP events to reduce the risk of them happening again in the future.
School -School staff to notify SSP staff, their own school and parents of pupils involved of any incidents.
Medical Information of PupilsSSP - None
School - The lead member of school staff should have all relevant medical information for all pupils with them at each event. Staff to inform SSP staff of any relevant information which may be important in ensuring the health/enjoyment of the pupil at the event.
Photo/Video ConsentSSP - SSP to make schools aware at point of booking that they intend to take photos/videos of the event. Staff to remind schools during event briefing and asked to let SSP staff know if the do not have photo consent for any pupils to have photos/videos taken of them. Fluorescent yellow snap bands to be given to pupils who do not have permission to wear throughout the event.
School - Schools to ask permission from parants for SSP staff to take photos/videos of their child at the event. School to inform SSP staff at the start of every event if any photos cannot have photos/videos of them taken. Staff to ensure that all pupils without consent wear a yellow snap band throughout event.s
Ratio of Staff to PupilsSSP - None
School - Schools to ensure that they follow their own school policy re staff to pupil ratios on off site trips.
Toilet/Changing SupervisionSSP - To ensure that suitable toilet and changing facilities are provided at all events.
School - School staff are responsible for accompanying their own pupils when using toilet/changing facilities.
Reporting ConcernsSSP - To report any concerns re pupils to school staff or re facilities to venue staff immediately.
School - Follow on schools protocol for reporting concerns and also inform SSP staff where relevant.
SpectatorsSSP - To inform schools which events are suitable for spectators to attend. Publicise the code of conduct so all parties understand what is expected of them at SSP events. Spectators to be kept separate from school parties where possible.
School - Support the SSP staff in ensuring the Code of Conduct is followed by pupils, staff and associated spectators/parents.
Coaches, Volunteers & LeadersSSP - All coaches, volunteers and student leaders to be briefed prior to the event so that they understand the Code of Conduct, format and rules of the event.
School - Inform a member of SSP staff of any issues with any coaches, volunteers or sports leaders.