Pupils benefit from SSP Sports Leaders training

During the summer term we have delivered 4 Sports Leaders courses to pupils in Y5 in SSP schools.  89 leaders have been trained up with 193 younger students from the school being Guinea Pigs for those leaders at the end of the day when the leaders put all that they’ve learnt into action.
The training consists of a morning session where pupils look at the theory of leading a session, communication exercises, learning about the STEP principle.  Then moving onto the afternoon, the leaders complete Active Crew Challenge 1, this culminates in the leaders delivering their planned, practiced and perfected session to younger children at the school.
This end part of the day really is great to observe, it gives the Sports Leaders a chance to put all that they’ve into practice and realise how challenging it can sometimes be to deliver a session many times with no time to break.
At the end of the session during the feedback pupils are asked to say one word that sums up how they feel after completing the training.  Some of the answers that get repeated many times are: “proud”, happy” and “exhausted”!.  The next step is for schools to get their Active Crew together and complete the further challenges set.
Well done to all of the pupils that have taken part in the training this year.

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