Project harnesses power of Disney to get girls in Primary School active and develop key skills

We recently announced that the SSP had joined the national FA Girls’ Football in Schools Partnership – supported by Barclays. We are now excited to tell you about the Shooting Stars training that has been lined up for you this autumn term.
What is the Shooting Stars programme?
The FA Shooting Stars programme inspired by Disney uses franchises including Incredibles 2, Aladdin and Marvels’ Guardians of the Galaxy to tell stories and encourage your girls (aged 5-11 yrs) to think about football as something for them (not just the boys!) They will be inspired to get active with their friends while learning to play football, but outcomes go much wider than this, with the activities designed to ensure that girls develop key skills such creativity, problem solving, teamwork and confidence.Please watch the great Shooting Stars video here to see the programme come to life and check out the associated programme brochure. You can also see the resources available in digital format on www.girlsfootballinschools.orgHow can my school get involved?
For the foreseeable future all training is, of course, taking place online. It consists of three 90-minute modules delivered by qualified tutors and there are several dates to choose from. Please take a look at the training timetable and book a place yourself or a colleague a FREE place using the link provided on the timetable.More Disney franchises with associated resources are coming soon, and we’ll let you know when they are available but for now, we hope you are able to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to get trained up and start delivering in your school.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Jon Osborne (


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