Norfolk Sports Leadership Pathway


As part of the county wide Norfolk School Games programme we have developed an exciting pathway of sports leadership opportunities for pupils in Years 1-11. 

The objective is to use sports leadership opportunities which improve personal development for young people which help prepare them for life.

The Journey

ActivityYear GroupDescriptionFor more information
Learning to LeadYr 1-2FREE Training for KS1 Leadership delivery – which will include all resources you need to deliver a High Quality Leadership programme direct to your students.– Video and Presentation
– Delivery Pack
Leading ParticipationYr 3-4FREE Training for KS2 Leadership delivery – which will include all resources you need to deliver a High Quality Leadership programme direct to your students.-Video and Presentation
-Delivery Pack
Active Leaders AcademiesYr 5-6Active Leaders are a group of young people who lead the planning and delivery of sporting experiences, thus playing a fundamental role in helping develop the School Games in your school

We are running a number of Active Leaders Academies in January 2024. Each Conference will involve up to 12 Schools per day – each bringing 10 Leaders. 480 Leaders over the 4 days who will cover a range of workshops to support their in school delivery; 1) Playground Games Activity, 2) Health & Wellbeing, 3) Running an Intra School competition, 4) Practical Leadership Skills
– Thursday 11th January (9.30am-2.00pm) @ Sportspark BOOK A PLACE

– Tuesday 16th January (9.30am-2.00pm) @ Sportspark
Event LeadershipYr 5-6

Yrs 7-11
Students will get the chance to lead at SSP events in reporting, team manager, coach, judge, motivator and Analyst roles.​Email Lisa Hunter
Girls Active Yr 9-10As part of the Norfolk Schools Leadership Pathway the 8 Norfolk SSPs are running a Girls Active leadership training day for girls in year 9 and 10. The Girls Active programme will comprise of approximately 128 leaders. These leaders will be selected locally from within each of the SSP areas.– Thursday 14th December (9.30am-2.00pm) @ Sportspark BOOKINGS CLOSED
Careers ConferenceYr 11A conference to provide opportunities for students to gain greater insight into career pathways.COMING SOON (Summer 2024)

Get involved

To get involved in any of the above opportunities email Suzy Brooks on