To help us communicate the format and objective of each of our events we have designed a series of Event Themes and Intents. When promoting each event to schools, we specify its Theme and Intent so they can invite the pupils who would benefit most from participating.
Event Themes
The Event Themes help us to ensure that we are providing events who’s formats appeal to all pupils. All SSP events are designed around three Event Themes; Engage, Develop or Compete.

– Events are for pupils who enjoy friendly competition but don’t want to solely focus on winning and losing. Events will have a strong emphasis on the School Games values & will focus of supporting the development of physical, personal, emotional & social health
– Events are for pupils who are competitive in nature and enjoy performing and competing against others. Events will use the School Games principles of competition, ensuring SMILES for all.
Event Intents
As well as a Theme, each event will also have a clear Intent which will set out what we are trying to achieve. These will be selected from the following list;
- Develop confidence and competence within physical activity/sport skills
- Improve knowledge and understanding of sport and physical activity
- Build social skills and connections (i.e. sense of belonging)
- Championing physical literacy
- Improve health and wellbeing (i.e. 60 active minutes)
- Engage new/target groups of young people (tackling inequalities)
- Provide inclusive opportunities
- Create positive experiences
- Promote success and achievement
- Supporting transition
- Develop leadership, character, life skills
- Championing youth engagement
- To engage/influence wider stakeholders