How to Plan a Successful Sports Day (virtual)

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Date(s) - 25/02/2021
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm



Sports Days are a staple part of the school calendar and can be a really fun experience for lots of pupils. However, are they contributing towards whole school objectives? Are they engaging all pupils? Do they need to be competitive? Why are they always held in the summer? Why are they often athletics competitions? With a bit of thought and forward planning, could we make some changes to make them even more effective in the future?

Staff from SSP member schools are invited to join Jon for a virtual workshop where staff will be challenged to think about what the aim of their sports day is.  Also, staff will have the opportunity to share and receive examples of practice where things have worked well. Staff will leave the workshop having a clearer idea of what future sports days at their school could look like and why.

Who is the workshop for?

The workshop is suitable for PE Coordinators or any staff involved in organising their school sports days.

How many places can I book?

Member schools can book as many spaces as they need for the live workshops.

How to book a place(s)?

To book a place on this workshop please login to the website using your schools’ login details and complete the form below. A Zoom meeting invitation will then be emailed to everybody that has booked a place on the morning of the workshop.

In addition, staff who are unable to attend the live workshop will be able to watch back videos of the workshops afterwards in the members area of the SSP website.

Deadline for bookings

The deadline for bookings is 9am on Thursday 25th February

For more information

If you have any questions about the workshop or are having problems booking a place(s) then please contact Jon on


You must be logged in to make a booking. Please note the deadline for bookings above.