Change4Life Clubs

Through funding from the Department of Health, we recruit and support primary schools to establish Change4Life ‘Inspired’ Sports Clubs and embed them at the heart of school life.

They seek to enable children to develop healthy hearts, happy hearts, social hearts and successful hearts. 

“Nationally, ‘less active’ tends to refer to children who do not undertake the recomended daily minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity.”
The Department of Health

Change4Life Sports Clubs are designed to increase physical activity levels in less active children in primary schools by:

– Using multi-sport themes.
– Using the inspiration of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
– Responding to what children want.
– Establishing a habit of regular participation.
– Developing a real sense of belonging.
– Changing behaviours relating to key health outcomes (including healthy eating, physical activity and emotional health).

If you are interested in a Change4Life Sports Club at your school, please contact