Results for the 2019/20 Academic Year
- 55.1% of children did not undertake the recommended amount of sport or physical activity (average of 60 mins per day)
- Boys (47%) are more likely to be active than girls (43%)
- Those from low affluence families are least likely to be active (High 53%, Medium 45%, Low 38%)
- Activity levels are lowest for school Years 3-4 (38%), and highest for those in Years 7-8 (51%).
- Years 1-2 – 46%
- Years 3-4 – 38%
- Years 5-6 – 45%
- Years 7-8 – 51%
- Years 9-11 – 45%
- Activity levels amongst children and young people with a disability or long term health condition are the same as for those without one (With 47%, without 46%)
- Black children and young people are least like to be active (35%)
- White other – 48%
- White British – 47%
- Mixed – 42%
- Asian – 42%
- Other ethnicity – 39%
- Black – 35%
To view the full Active Lives Children and Young people Survey 2019/20 CLICK HERE