Active Journeys

We have compiled a range of great resources to help your school encourage pupils to undertake more active journeys such as walking, cycling or scooting.

Bikeability Cycle Training

Bikeability is the government’s national cycle training programme. It helps you learn practical skills and understand how to cycle on today’s roads.

Bikeability gives everyone the confidence to cycle and enjoy this skill for life.

  • For all levels of experience
  • Qualiofied, expert instructors
  • Available all year round across England

For more information about Bikeability Cycle Training visit the Bikeability website.

FREE Bikeability Training in Norfolk

FREE Bikeability training is available for schools in Norfolk through Norfolk County Council. They offer Level 1, Level 1 & 2 combined, Level 3, Family Bikeability and Bikeability Fix.

The training is delivered in schools by local delivery partners. Visit the Norfolk County Council website for further details about receiving training at your school.

Cycle to School Week

Do you want to encourage your pupils to cycle to school more often, get healthier, reduce the amount of traffic outside your school at key times and protect the environment? If so, then get involved with Cycle to School Week!

This year, Cycle to School Week took place between Monday 25th-Friday 29th September 2023

Organised by the Bikeability Trust and Sustrans, they celebrated the fun and freedom of an eco friendly cycle commute, with thousands of families and schools across the nation.

They asked everyone to make a pledge to cycle more during the week, and beyond. Thanks to the pupils, parents, schools and staff who pledged and made the 2023 event a record breaking Cycle to School Week.

The schools resources are available all year round for schools to promote pedal power at any time. 

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

Sustran’s Big Walk and Wheel take part each year and aims to inspires pupils to make active journeys, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world. 

The 2024 Sustran’s Big Walk and Wheel 2024 will take place from 11 to 22nd March 2024.

Register on their website for a variety of resources to support your school to take part. 


Cycling UK Bike Week

Bike Week, delivered by Cycling UK, is an annual celebration to showcase cycling. Riding a bike can easily be part of everyday life and Bike Week is here to inspire people all over the UK to give cycling a try. Bike Week takes place during the second week of June each year. 




Living Streets

Living Streets want us to be a nation where walking is the natural choice for everyday local journeys. There mission is to achieve a better walking environment and inspire people to walk more. They offer a range of initiatives to help Primary & Secondary schools promote cycling to their pupils and encourage them to walk to and from school more often. These include:

  •  WOW – the Walk to School challenge
  • Walk to School Week
  • Walk to School Campaign
  • International Walk to School Month